Rinzai Maui Obon Festival

Thank you for your overwhelming support of the 2023 Obon Festival. With our community’s attendance and wonderful entertainment from Maui Ryukyu Culture Group, Ukwanshin Kabudan, and Young Okinawans of Hawaii, all who attended had a wonderful evening.

With the fire tragedy on all our minds, we were hesitant to hold Obon, but were relieved to hear we made the right decision to proceed as it provided some relief and distraction, even if only for the one night, to those who had lost so much. Our Obon service was dedicated not only to those members who passed during the last year but also to the people who perished in the devastating Lahaina fire.

With the generosity of individuals, organizations, and our own Rinzai Zen Mission, we raised a total of $10,200 for the fire relief fund. These monies will be distributed to our fellow Buddhist temples in Lahaina: Jodo Mission, Hongwanji Mission, and Shingon Mission. All three of these temples were destroyed in the fire that swept through Lahaina.
...from the September 2023 Rinzai Maui Newsletter

From the 2023 Rinzai Maui Obon Festival

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From the 2017 Rinzai Maui Obon Festival
Photos Masako Cordroy

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