September-October 2013 Rinzai Maui Zen Mission Newsletter

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A Spectacular Bon Dance Circle!

Because of your volunteering and participation in this year’s Obon, we had a very successful festival and one of the biggest gatherings in our 81-year history.

Thank you very much for your continuous generosity and hard work to keep Hawaii’s only Okinawan Bon festival to not only survive, but to thrive for many
years to come.

とが出来ました。 今年の盆踊りの輪は特に大き
ーRev. Ryozo Yamaguchi

Ryukyu Kajimaya
This year’s Obon was so cheerful and such a spectacular one because of the young dancers and drummers from Okinawa. They are college students of a traditional eisa dance group called Ryukyu Kajimaya.

Thirty two of them worked hard to save money to join our dance circle. They really made this year’s Bon dance the best one ever. Thank you for coming such a long way to make our Obon a very special one.

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